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208 results:

Strategic partnership and the ARA

Work by the ARA to develop strategic partnerships within the adaptation community is essential to support research planning and cooperation, and mobilise resources.

Key insights from peer-to-peer learning across the Adaptation Research Alliance

Key insights from peer-to-peer learning across the Adaptation Research Alliance

This report presents case studies from ARA members on the benefits, challenges and approaches of bridging adaptation action and research.

UNFCCC engagement by the ARA

The ARA Secretariat engages on behalf of the Alliance with UNFCCC processes in ways that create and strengthen linkages between adapatation research and action.

The private sector and responding to human rights obligations

Estidama for Research and Feasibility Studies issued a report entitled "The Private Sector's Response to Human Rights Obligations... Opportunities and Challenges in Light of the United Nations Rules…

ProSus Magazine #5: Strengthening collaboration for sustainability through connecting, listening, and learning

Available in French and English, the fifth issue of START's ProSuS magazine examines the persistent challenges of energy affordability and access in West Africa.

UK-Funded Research on Climate Change and International Development: The scope and reach of UK ODA and Wellcome-funded research (2015 – 2020)

This report presents a mapping and analysis of the scope and reach of UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Wellcome-funded research on climate change and international development between…

Africa Climate Week 2023

Africa Climate Week 2023

This year's Africa Climate Week will take place from 4-8 September 2023 in Nairobi, hosted by the government of Kenya.



TERMS & CONDITIONS ARA MEMBERS AREA PLATFORM OVERVIEW This document outlines your Agreement regarding being a registered USER of the ARA website with rights to upload, share, and engage with content…

Video: Awarding the ARA Action Research Micro-grants 2023

ARA Micro-grant Lead Sydney Church is joined by 2023's independent grant application reviewers to discuss the rationale behind the micro-grants, the selection process, and the value of this…

Tracking report for the ARA's TLS process

This report provide overarching insights from the 'tracking' component of the ARA's Tracking, Learning and Sharing (TLS) acitivites during the first phase of action.

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