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211 results:

Gobeshona Global Conference 4

Gobeshona Global Conference 4

The 4th Annual Gobeshona Global Conference focused on monitoring locally-led adaptation and resilience, organized by the International Centre for Climate Change and Development, will be held…

Principios de Investigación de la Adaptación con Impacto

Principios de Investigación de la Adaptación con Impacto

Los Principios de Investigación de la Adaptación con Impacto tienen como objetivo apoyar e influir en las actividades, planes, programas y políticas de los miembros de ARA, así como en la comunidad…

Principes de la Recherche sur l'Adaptation d'Impact

Principes de la Recherche sur l'Adaptation d'Impact

Les Principes de la Recherche sur l'Adaptation d'Impact visent à soutenir et à influencer les activités, les plans, les programmes et les politiques des membres de l'ARA - ainsi que la communauté de…

Blog: Can locally led adaptation lead to transformative adaptation?

Blog: Can locally led adaptation lead to transformative adaptation?

ARA Members and partners debate whether locally led adaptation can deliver transformative adaptation.

COP28: ARA mobilises new commitments and over GBP 3m for adaptation research for impact

COP28: ARA mobilises new commitments and over GBP 3m for adaptation research for impact

The ARA announced at COP28 it has mobilised over GBP 3m in investments for action-oriented research that addresses pressing adaptation needs of those most vulnerable to climate impacts.

What micro-grants teach us about funding locally led research

What micro-grants teach us about funding locally led research

The Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) micro-grants programme offers a potentially powerful model for devolved financing that supports community-led action research for adaptation.

ARA Funders' Roundtable: Fostering an environment for accelerated action-oriented adaptation funding [invite only]

ARA Funders' Roundtable: Fostering an environment for accelerated action-oriented adaptation funding [invite only]

This invite-only event explores opportunities to accelerate adaptation research that informs evidence-based action and effective adaptation. Happening 4 December from 08.00-10.00 GMT+4

Partnering for adaptation: Exploring evidence-informed action & bridging knowledge [invite only]

Partnering for adaptation: Exploring evidence-informed action & bridging knowledge [invite only]

The ARA will join partners SSN and CECG in this 'knowledge lab' on the diversity of knowledges needed for climate adaptation actions. Happening 8 Dec from 09.00-12.00 GMT+4

People, power and partnerships: Co-producing resilience for accountability and effectiveness

People, power and partnerships: Co-producing resilience for accountability and effectiveness

This D&C Days event with the ARA features a discussion on co-production processes for urban resilience to share successes, failures & tools. Happening 7 Dec from 15.30-17.00 GMT+4

CapaCITY through Co-creation: Comparing transformational processes of capability development for urban resilience

CapaCITY through Co-creation: Comparing transformational processes of capability development for urban resilience

The ARA will join this PCCB Hub event at COP demonstrating how multi-actor processes can enhance urban capacity building. Happening 5 Dec from 16.25-17.25 GMT+4

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