Categories: Bridging research & action, Learning & implementation, Case study, Africa, Capacity building, Climate action, Disaster risk reduction
Case study: How decision makers and communities can collectively enhance urban resilience
Urban adaptation interventions that are co-developed with decision-makers and communities are more effective, suggests learnings from Global South projects FRACTAL and DARAJA.
Categories: Bridging research & action, Funding for adaptation, Collaboration, Policy & influence, News, Capacity building, Climate action, Climate finance
ARA at COP27: Micro-grants, Co-creation activities & partnerships
The Adaptation Research Alliance celebrated its one-year anniversary at COP27 with several events underscoring its work to bridge adaptation research and action.
Categories: Programme development, Collaboration, News, Press release, Capacity building, Climate action, Climate finance
ARA launches co-creation activities for adaptation programme development
The announcement demonstrates how the ARA is delivering on promises made to catalyse investment and opportunities for adaptation action research during its launch at COP26 in Glasgow.
Categories: Bridging research & action, Policy & influence, News, Climate action, Policy
ARA looking forward to COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh
The ARA is pleased to join its members and partners in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, for the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP27). The summit runs from 6 Nov – 18 Nov 2022. Below, we present a developing...
Categories: Bridging research & action, News, Climate action, Locally led adaptation
Why we must bridge action and research for adaptation
Research is central to effective adaptation to the emerging impacts of climate change. How we undertake that research determines how relevant and timely new evidence is and – ultimately – how effective our adaptation responses will be.
Categories: Funding for adaptation, News, Africa, Agricultural development, Climate action, Climate finance, Locally led adaptation
Madagascan agriculture project one of 25 underway in ARA micro-grant initiative
A global adaptation micro-grant initiative is supporting a project which aims to transform climate-smart agricultural techniques in Madagascar.
Categories: Bridging research & action, Policy & influence, News, Climate action
The ARA responds to urgent call for action from the IPCC Report
The global Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) delivers effective solutions to the rapidly increasing challenges of climate change.
Categories: Bridging research & action, News, Videos, Climate action, Locally led adaptation
How our global coalition is committed to linking research with action
Adaptation action that builds resilience to climate change is not happening fast enough. The Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) is a global coalition committed to linking research with action & on-the-ground experiences to...
Categories: Collaboration, News, Climate action, Co-production
UNDP joins ARA to support collaborative adaptation solutions
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has joined the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) to support collaborations that lead to effective adaptation solutions.
Categories: Bridging research & action, Policy & influence, News, Climate action, Co-production, Locally led adaptation
ARA makes its case at Adaptation Futures 2021
The Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) hosted a high-level plenary session at the Adaptation Futures conference on 8 October 2021 to make its case for action research that addresses the needs of the most vulnerable to climate change.