Categories: Programme development, News, Climate finance, Locally led adaptation
BASE awards 8 locally led climate solutions with the potential to unlock climate finance
The awarded projects show promise for solution to refining climate rationale while contributing to effective climate action at the grassroots level.
Categories: Programme development, Collaboration, News, Press release, Capacity building, Climate action, Climate finance
ARA launches co-creation activities for adaptation programme development
The announcement demonstrates how the ARA is delivering on promises made to catalyse investment and opportunities for adaptation action research during its launch at COP26 in Glasgow.
Categories: Bridging research & action, Programme development, News, Videos, Climate action, Locally led adaptation
Overview of the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA)
ARA co-chairs, Rosalind West and Anand Patwardhan, explain the development of the ARA.
As part of the UK COP26 Presidency Adaptation & Resilience campaign, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) worked with...