Categories: Learning & implementation, Collaboration, Report, International, Resilience
Heat Adaptation: Community Driven Solutions in the Food, Energy, Water Nexus
A report developed collectively by Transitions Research and the Adaptation Research Alliance, with the participation of ARA Members, as part of the TLS learning journeys
Categories: Learning & implementation, Report, ARA activities, Africa, International, Latin America & the Caribbean, Middle East, Climate action, Co-production, Locally led adaptation
Revisión de la evidencia de la ARA 2: Buenas prácticas para la investigación-acción
En este informe se presentan ejemplos prácticos de investigación para la adaptación en 20 países del Sur.
Categories: Learning & implementation, Report, ARA activities, Africa, International, Latin America & the Caribbean, Middle East, Climate action, Co-production, Locally led adaptation
ARA examen des preuves 2: Bonnes pratiques de la recherche-action
Ce rapport présente des preuves de la mise en pratique de la recherche-action en matière d'adaptation à partir de 20 exemples du Sud.
Categories: Learning & implementation, Case study, ARA activities
Tracking report for the ARA's TLS process
This report provide overarching insights from the 'tracking' component of the ARA's Tracking, Learning and Sharing (TLS) acitivites during the first phase of action.
Categories: Learning & implementation, ARA activities
Tracking, Learning and Sharing (TLS): Condensed framework
This strategy gives an overview of the ARA's activties, with suggested tools and methods for pursuing tracking, learning, and sharing across the Alliance's diverse membership.
Categories: Learning & implementation, Academic article, Africa
Fostering transdisciplinary research to advance climate action
Researchers from ARA member the African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) explore the role of transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa in this article published in the journal Ecosystems and People.
Categories: Learning & implementation, Report, ARA activities, Climate risk, Co-production, Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Resilience
Consultative Process: Climate Risk Assessment in LDCs
This report summarises findings from the ARA Consultative Process examining Cimate Risk Assessments in least developed countries (LDCs).
Categories: Learning & implementation, Report, ARA activities, Climate action, Co-production, Health, Policy, Resilience
Consultative Process: Adaptation research for climate resilient health systems
This report summarises key findings from a global Consultative Process held by the ARA with global experts identifying priority results-oriented adaptation research for climate resilient health systems.
Categories: Learning & implementation, Report, Agricultural development, Climate action, Co-production
Consultative Process: Food system research priorities in the context of climate change
This report summarises a Consultative Process held by the ARA and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to surface priorities and recommendations for action research in adapting food systems.
Categories: Learning & implementation, Report, ARA activities, Co-production, Gender, Youth
Consultative Process: Enhancing gender equality and social inclusion through climate action
This report summarises findings from a two-part Consultative Process on addressing gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) within climate action.