Categories: Report, ARA activities, Locally led adaptation
2024 Stories of Resilience: Lessons from Local Adaptation Practice
2024 Stories of Resilience was launched at COP29 by the Global Center on Adaptation. The ARA and its Members are highlighted in Chapter 6.
Categories: Funding for adaptation, Policy & influence, Report
From Informality to Impact: The Untapped Potential of Scaling Urban Resilience Innovation in Informality
This report dives into the untapped potential of urban resilience innovations in informal settlements—where less than 2% of urban climate finance currently reaches. It highlights the need for targeted partnerships to drive real impact where it’s most urgently needed.
Categories: Learning & implementation, Report, ARA activities, Africa, International, Latin America & the Caribbean, Middle East, Climate action, Co-production, Locally led adaptation
Revisión de la evidencia de la ARA 2: Buenas prácticas para la investigación-acción
En este informe se presentan ejemplos prácticos de investigación para la adaptación en 20 países del Sur.
Categories: Learning & implementation, Report, ARA activities, Africa, International, Latin America & the Caribbean, Middle East, Climate action, Co-production, Locally led adaptation
ARA examen des preuves 2: Bonnes pratiques de la recherche-action
Ce rapport présente des preuves de la mise en pratique de la recherche-action en matière d'adaptation à partir de 20 exemples du Sud.
Categories: Bridging research & action, Report, Infographic, ARA activities, Climate action, Co-production, Locally led adaptation
Principios de Investigación de la Adaptación con Impacto
Los Principios de Investigación de la Adaptación con Impacto tienen como objetivo apoyar e influir en las actividades, planes, programas y políticas de los miembros de ARA, así como en la comunidad más amplia de prácticas que trabajan en la acción y la investigación para la adaptación.
Categories: Bridging research & action, Report, Infographic, ARA activities, Climate action, Co-production, Locally led adaptation
Principes de la Recherche sur l'Adaptation d'Impact
Les Principes de la Recherche sur l'Adaptation d'Impact visent à soutenir et à influencer les activités, les plans, les programmes et les politiques des membres de l'ARA - ainsi que la communauté de pratique plus large travaillant sur l'action et la recherche en matière d'adaptation.
Categories: Programme development, Report, Africa, Co-production
Community learnings from a co-creation process on NbS for equitable climate resilience in SSA
This report provides details about the community-level consultations that took place as part of a co-creation process supported by the ARA on the design of a potential NbS research programme for equitable climate resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Categories: Programme development, Report, Africa, Co-production
Scoping a programme for NbS for equitable climate resilience in sub-Saharan Africa
This scoping report sumarises the findings of a co-creation process supported by the ARA into NbS for climate resilience in SSA, and proposes cross-cutting themes that could be integrated into new research programme design.
Categories: Programme development, Report, ARA activities, Africa
Co-creating nature-based solutions to support equitable climate resilience
This final synthesis report outlines a co-creation process aimed at bringing local knowledge and experience to bear on the design of a potential research programme on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for equitable climate resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Categories: Funding for adaptation, Collaboration, Policy & influence, Report, Europe, Climate action, Climate finance, Climate risk, Policy
UK-Funded Research on Climate Change and International Development: The scope and reach of UK ODA and Wellcome-funded research (2015 – 2020)
This report presents a mapping and analysis of the scope and reach of UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Wellcome-funded research on climate change and international development between 2015 and 2020.