Categories: Bridging research & action, Report, Infographic, ARA activities, Climate action, Co-production, Locally led adaptation
Principios de Investigación de la Adaptación con Impacto
Los Principios de Investigación de la Adaptación con Impacto tienen como objetivo apoyar e influir en las actividades, planes, programas y políticas de los miembros de ARA, así como en la comunidad más amplia de prácticas que trabajan en la acción y la investigación para la adaptación.
Categories: Bridging research & action, Report, Infographic, ARA activities, Climate action, Co-production, Locally led adaptation
Principes de la Recherche sur l'Adaptation d'Impact
Les Principes de la Recherche sur l'Adaptation d'Impact visent à soutenir et à influencer les activités, les plans, les programmes et les politiques des membres de l'ARA - ainsi que la communauté de pratique plus large travaillant sur l'action et la recherche en matière d'adaptation.
Categories: Programme development, Report, Africa, Co-production
Community learnings from a co-creation process on NbS for equitable climate resilience in SSA
This report provides details about the community-level consultations that took place as part of a co-creation process supported by the ARA on the design of a potential NbS research programme for equitable climate resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Categories: Programme development, Report, Africa, Co-production
Scoping a programme for NbS for equitable climate resilience in sub-Saharan Africa
This scoping report sumarises the findings of a co-creation process supported by the ARA into NbS for climate resilience in SSA, and proposes cross-cutting themes that could be integrated into new research programme design.
Categories: Programme development, Report, ARA activities, Africa
Co-creating nature-based solutions to support equitable climate resilience
This final synthesis report outlines a co-creation process aimed at bringing local knowledge and experience to bear on the design of a potential research programme on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for equitable climate resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Categories: Funding for adaptation, Collaboration, Policy & influence, Report, Europe, Climate action, Climate finance, Climate risk, Policy
UK-Funded Research on Climate Change and International Development: The scope and reach of UK ODA and Wellcome-funded research (2015 – 2020)
This report presents a mapping and analysis of the scope and reach of UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Wellcome-funded research on climate change and international development between 2015 and 2020.
Categories: Bridging research & action, Funding for adaptation, Report, Climate finance, Locally led adaptation
Summary report: Grassroots Action Research Micro-grants 2022
This summary report presents reflections and lessons learnt from the ARA Grassroots Action Research Micro-grants 2022 based on the outputs and outcomes achieved by the first round of grantees.
Categories: Measuring adaptation impact, Report, International, Measurement and indicators
Vulnerability Reduction Credits (VRC™)
This report examines how Vulnerability Reduction Credits (VRC) can improve metrics for climate adaptation.
Categories: Bridging research & action, Funding for adaptation, Report, ARA activities, Climate finance, Locally led adaptation, Traditional knowledge
Consultative Process: Financing climate resilience at the local level
This Chair's Summary provides valuable feedback for the design of grants to ensure they are effective at meeting local level needs and in building a better understanding of climate risks.
Categories: Learning & implementation, Report, ARA activities, Climate risk, Co-production, Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Resilience
Consultative Process: Climate Risk Assessment in LDCs
This report summarises findings from the ARA Consultative Process examining Cimate Risk Assessments in least developed countries (LDCs).