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This is a recording of a session from the 15th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change (CBA15), which took place online from 14-18 June 2021.

Effective solutions for adaptation to climate change emerge when vulnerable communities, practitioners, funders, and researchers work together. This interactive session by the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) will employ a ‘design sprint’ to develop co-creation spaces for fostering such “radical collaboration”. The Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) is a global effort that seeks to catalyse increased investment and capacity for action-oriented research that supports effective adaptation to climate change – primarily in developing countries. In this session, the Alliance will explore ways of amplifying the voices of the marginalised in processes of stimulating greater investment in action research on adaptation.

Discussions will focus on ways of building effective collaboration to ensure locally-led adaptation and action research. This session will support learning and knowledge exchange by employing interactive facilitation approaches for enabling improved coordination and aligning incentives amongst a variety of adaptation stakeholders.

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